Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Holz...3rd july..08!

As u can c m immensely came down 2 d xtent of bloggin'...tot of givin it a try....d dae started wid me in a foul mood...evry1z rushin' 2 work!me left wid nm 2 do..n ma sis...dnt noe whrz she headin'...wat will she make outta her neva mind m thinkin' 2 much...y blame her!
m jus very confused...holz wich started on 7th may...r not less dan a nitemare..dese hols atleast...though a brief spell of fun was witnessed in was short-lived!
n hw 2 4get der r dese longg daes of boredom..dnt noe wat 2 do..lackin' da drive...n ma perenneil quest 4 ma luv is yet 2 end...lyfz strange isnt it??4 me it has bin always dat wae...
cnt blame it on parents though...n i cnt b modest nuff...pata nahi!n dis old lady ...jus h8 2 hear her voice sumhw..though its against ma morals n modesty...wats confessions of a confused st8 o mind...found strikin' resemblance..n hv dis inner feelin' dat me n shilly neva'...cudnt hv bin true!was livin' in dreams...though find a betr connect wid vidya!
have sumthin 2 look 4wd in mama's weddin atleast..letsc hw it unfolds..shud b betr dan kanpur..
swear ill cum here wen reqd...wud manage sumwhr else...sux big tym..was tellin' chinky dat i und her...cnt noe wats rong wid me...
hv 2 get sumthin remarkable done dis all respects:-)
met a few influential ppl..hv sum aspir8nz n dreams...m turnin' realy philosphical dese daes!!

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